Bytemask - Android Gradle Plugin Help

App Runtime Customization


Bytemask automatically gets initialized via App startup library at the time of launch. So there is no need to initialize it explicitly. But if you want to control the initialization, follow these steps:

1. Disable the initializer

In the app's manifest, remove the initializer like this:

<provider android:name="androidx.startup.InitializationProvider" android:authorities="${applicationId}.androidx-startup" android:exported="false" tools:node="merge"> <meta-data android:name="" android:value="androidx.startup" tools:node="remove" /> </provider>

2. Initialize manually

2.1 Initializing with default config (App signing config)

class MyApp: Application() { override fun onCreate() { //... AndroidBytemask.init(context = this) } }

2.2 Initializing with custom encryption specification

If you've provided custom encryption specification for the encryption, you can configure the same key for decryption.

class CustomEncryptionKeyProvider : EncryptionKeyProvider { override fun get(): Sha256DigestableKey() { return Sha256DigestableKey("encryption_key_here") } } class MyApp : Application() { override fun onCreate() { //... Bytemask.init(CustomEncryptionKeyProvider()) } }
Last modified: 16 July 2024